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International News

2017-09-13 |

Study Questions Sustainability of GM Soy Production in Argentina

Roundup Ready (RR) soybean, a genetically modified (GM) soy variety resistant to the herbicide glyphosate, was introduced in Argentina in 1996. By 2015-2016, GM soybeans were cultivated on nearly 20.5 million hectares, representing 60% of total land cultivated, and production reached 61 million tons. In 2015, the soybean sector accounted for 30.7% of total exports of the country and dominated the international soybean pellets market with nearly 33.3% of world exports, ahead of the United States and Brazil.

A new study uses a holistic approach to explore the long-term sustainability of the "soybeanization" of Argentinian agriculture, through an evidence-based assessment of the most relevant economic, social, and environmental factors. The research was based on a unique data set drawn from a field survey carried out in 2011 in two provinces of the Argentinian Pampas.

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Saatgut-Spende für Syrien

Hundertausende Menschen hungern in belagerten Städten in Syrien. Wir sammeln samenfestes Saatgut für Urban Farming Projekte von 15th Garden. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns per  Email.