How to make a donation to Save Our Seeds

There are three ways to contribute to the costs of this campaign:

1) Simply put cash in an envelope and send it to:

Save Our Seeds
c/o Zukunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft
Marienstraße 19-20
D-10117 Berlin

2) Transfer the money to our bank account in Germany

Account number: 30 00 54 14
At: GLS Gemeinschaftsbank Bochum, Germany
BLZ (German Bank ID): 430 609 67
Reference: Save Our Seeds

IBAN: DE23 4306 0967 0030 0054 14

Please ask your bank how to do it, and how much the transfer costs would be.

3) If you have a bank account in Germany, you can also use our online debit transfer system

 click here for the German "Einzugsverfahren"

As the bank charges fees for this "Einzugsverfahren" the minimum donation is 10 Euro.

If you pay taxes in Germany, let us know, and we will send you a "Spendenbescheinigung". The Foundation on Future Farming is a recognized charity. Donations are tax deducible in Germany.

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